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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Them Amusing Repubs

I see where the latest "rebranding" effort by the Republican leadership involves not their own party, but the other one. They want to convince the electorate, independents, whoever that the Democratic Party ought to be called and thought of as the "Socialist Democratic Party".
har, har, har That's a good one.
Sure hope the Democrats don't respond by labeling their anemic opponent the "Republican Nazi Party". Ah, but they won't do this. If they were going to they would have back at the height of the blitzkrieg. And besides, they don't need to pile on. The Republican tagteam seems intent on bodyslamming each other.
Let the games continue !!


KevinDaniel said...

You would think they could come up with something a bit more inflamatory and rooted in more extreme eve esoteric parties (oh, say something like the Moa Tse Tung Communist Democratic Party) instead of something that, by its inherent value orientation (seeing socialism as evil), makes them seem like the good ole mccarthy party.... ;-)

Wanderinggrandpa said...

Ahh, but they sincerely believe that the mere label "Socialist" is sufficiently damning, since they would be appalled if someone tried to tag them as that.