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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Navy Yard Massacre

"Multiple deaths similar to the Aurora movie house massacre are the price we pay as a society to underwrite the Second Amendment “rights” for “lawful gun owners.”" This is, sadly, the fourth and likely not the last time that I will use the above statement to begin a posting. I first used it following the Aurora CO moviehouse shooting and then following the Newtown CT school shooting and at least one other lesser but equally sad shooting incident. The only differences this time around are minor. The site of the shooting was a federal installation in Washington DC. Thus Americans in "flyover" country see it as less relevant. And it occurred only a week after Colorado voters had recalled two state senators who had supported enhanced background checks following the Colorado shooting. So, politicians who see this continued evidence that our lax laws are too lax will be gun-shy (pun intended) to support legislative fixes to our problems. Actually more states passed more helpful control legislation since Aurora and Newtown than I had expected. And not all of it has been subsequently repealed. So maybe there's hope. Maybe the subsequent debate this time around will help strengthen the case for those who wish to reduce, if not eliminate, future similar incidents. But, in general, I return in my mind to the conclusion of Bridge Over the River Kwai when Major Clipton sums up what he observes of the course of events: "MADNESS"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Food for deliberation ...

Mass homicides are heart wrenching events! In 1927 the school treasurer of Bath, Michigan used dynamite and pyrotol to kill 38 elementary children. However, it is helpful to get past these awful headline tragedies and look at recent overall violent crime statistics before we trample the parts of our Constitution.

Firearm related homicides in the U.S. have declined 39% in the last 30 years according to a Justice Department study released in May, 2013. Non-fatal firearm crimes decreased 69%. This is strongly correlated with the increasing number of states approving Carry Permits for their law abiding citizens. - Bureau of Justice Statistics, May, 2013. YET, only 12% of the U.S. population knows that firearm related deaths and violence has decreased based upon the PEW research Study of 2013. A Rasmussen Poll released the same week as the PEW Research study showed that 64% of the people wanting more gun control also erroneously thought violent crime was up 50%!

Center for Disease Control "Crime in the U.S. -

States are not submitting mental health records to the NICS background system - EX. Mass. has very strict gun-control laws but only gave NICS one name of a dangerously mentally ill person in 2011.

When background checks are denied the ATF field offices only have pursued an average of 2 out of every 10,000 denied background checks.

Read the writings of our forefathers published surrounding the addition of the 2nd Amendment and I suspect one will not come away feeling they were only thinking in the context of the muskets of their era.

Another thought that occurs is that Mayor Bloomberg, the POTUS and many others keep themselves surrounded by armed security yet they relish the idea of removing Joe Blow's right to security. I don't think the criminal element will follow any new gun control measures.

Gun Free Zones, removing firearms from legal citizens and other anti 2nd Amendment spirited efforts do not go to the heart of the cultural problems we have in the U.S.

Those on both sides of the Gun Control issue would likely benefit from ready the recently released book "Emily Gets Her Gun" - Regency Publishing (Kindle Books).