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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Republican Monday morning quarterbacks

Republicans are self-destructing for the amusement of the general public?? Appears that way.
Republicans nearest to the center of power within the Republican establishment have decided that Americans are not rejecting their worldview. They think both that we just don't properly understand and appreciate what they "know" is right - (even though they had 8+ years to implement their programs). There's also a portion of them that think the only problems that linger from their days in power stem from the fact that they never implemented conservative enough solutions. They never trusted the Bushes. W. talked a good game, but was obviously a light-weight (in their view).


Court D said...

Oh dear if he is the light weight I shudder to see who they think is the heavy.

Wanderinggrandpa said...

That would be Deadeye Dick Cheney. Also they surrounded him with trusted heavyweights like Karl Rove.