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Tuesday, December 10, 2019


It's been a while since I called out any of the news readers and commentators on NPR on matters of language or use of a questionable word form   So here's my seasonal contribution.
Driving home today I had the BBC's OS program (Outside Sources, for the uninitiated). They were reporting on today's press announcement that the Democratic House intends to write and approve two articles of Impeachment. In describing the first article involving Trump's effort to get Ukraine's president to damage Biden's campaign with charges of corruption in Ukraine. In explaining this the BBC reporter said that Trump will be charged with "PRESSURIZING" the government of Ukraine to announce such an investigation.  Why would the Brits believe that word was interchangeable with "PRESSURING". I had always assumed PRESSURIZING more accurately applied to situations where pressure such as air or gas was injected into a finite space to be eventually used and/or released at a later time. A tire is pressurized  A driver might be pressured to apply pressurized brakes to slow a vehicle.  But how could Trump pressurize Zelenski to take a desired action?

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